Articles & Publications

Self-Cleaning: Our Bodies Are Built For It

EverythingZoomer | February 26, 2016

Here, how to kick-start your body’s natural ability to detoxify with healthier food options. The ...Read More »

Heat Wave Health

Summer Health -- Heat Illness Dr. Zach Summer 2018   Heat-related illness is a ...Read More »

Why do you feel tired all the time?

There are many reasons for tiredness, including a lack of sleep, poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, ...Read More »

Women’s Health — Common Problems and Symptoms not to Ignore

Women’s Health Conditions more common in women, and Top Symptoms Women Should Not ...Read More »

Spring Clean Your Health

Dr. Zach April, 2018 Summary 1. Exercise Sharpens ...Read More »

Heart Attack

A heart attack is usually caused by a blood clot that forms in a coronary artery. This blocks ...Read More »

(Mostly Bad) Celebrity Health Advice

Dr. Zach Levine March, 2018   For better or worse, celebrities get a lot of attention ...Read More »


Marijuana Dr. Zach Levine March, 2018   Questions/topics for ...Read More »

Case Study: Vertigo

EverythingZoomer | October 21, 2014

It's not just a Hitchcock film. Dr. Zachary Levine shares the details of the dizzying ...Read More »

What You Need To Know About Travel Vaccines?

EverythingZoomer | April 7, 2015

Being able to visit many places in the world is
 a wonderful experience. It is important, ...Read More »

Feeling Burned Out?

EverythingZoomer | June 5, 2015

Here, top conditions that could be making you chronically tired. Fatigue and low energy are common ...Read More »

Is Sugar The New Fat?

EverythingZoomer | August 10, 2015

Last March, the World Health Organization (WHO) presented the following new guideline to sugar ...Read More »

Test Your Heart Health

EverythingZoomer February 12, 2016

In recognition of  Heart Month, here are the latest screening tests for plaque buildup in the ...Read More »


The Star September 7 2017

Error and misdiagnosed diseases affect nearly 25 per cent of Canadians. Here, five ways to avoid ...Read More »

Thrombolysis: The 411 on 911

EverythingZoomer | April 6, 2016

House call: what you need to know about this potentially lifesaving treatment for heart attack and ...Read More »

3 New (And Quirky!) Medical Studies

EverythingZoomer | May 11, 2016

Good news breakthroughs and quirky studies in medicine make for interesting conversation starters. ...Read More »

Is There Such A Thing As Too Many Health Screenings?

EverythingZoomer | July 11, 2016

We all want to maintain our health and that of our loved ones, and having certain tests and ...Read More »

Zika 101: What You Need To Know

EverythingZoomer | October 31, 2016

Discovered in the late 1940s, the Zika virus was virtually unknown to the public until 2015. It was ...Read More »

Why Your Weight Is Not Necessarily An Indicator Of Your Health

EverythingZoomer | April 18, 2017

Recent studies have shown that the link between your weight and health is more complicated than ...Read More »

Do You Know The Difference Between Dementia And Delirium?

EverythingZoomer | July 10, 2017

Many of us have witnessed family or friends who become quite confused or agitated when in the ...Read More »

10 Reasons To Head To The ER — STAT!

EverythingZoomer | July 19, 2017

Almost any symptom can indicate something serious, but it doesn't mean it necessarily is. For ...Read More »

The Most Amazing Breakthroughs In Medical Technology

EverythingZoomer | August 23, 2017

Technology may have created a major dependency on our smart devices but it's also changed the way ...Read More »

How To Protect Yourself Against Lyme Disease

EverythingZoomer | September 18, 2017

Lyme disease affects the elderly and those with serious health problems. Here, some ways to protect ...Read More »

Drink Up — Or Not?

EverythingZoomer | December 21, 2016

Alcohol is a fine example of the adage that it's "the dose makes the poison." Many of us have ...Read More »


Montreal Gazette | April 13, 2016

The doctor-patient relationship has changed over the past 20 years. What used to be a paternalistic ...Read More »



“Non-compliance” is a word Dr. Sara Taylor commonly encountered during her medical training in ...Read More »